'Early concepts of intimacy: Young humans use saliva sharing to infer close relationships'
NPR Even babies and toddlers know that swapping saliva is a sure sign of love
Science Fridays: Saliva Sharing Might Help Kids Identify Their Closest Relationships
MIT News Babies can tell who has close relationships based on one clue: saliva
New Scientist: Babies can tell who's closely related from whether they share saliva
CTV News: Kiss and tell: study says saliva sharing a signal for babies learning about relationships
The Economist: Babies learn about the world by looking at who shares saliva
Science Spit take: Even young infants know we only swap saliva with the ones we love
UPI Babies identify close relationships by saliva, study suggests
Philly Voice Kissing and food-sharing help babies identify close relationships, study shows
Science News Babies may use saliva sharing to figure out relationships
Scientias: baby's weten wie innige relaties hebben op basis van speekseluitwisseling
APF: The dribble test: How toddlers spot close social ties
ScaryMommy: Even Babies Get That Sharing Food Shows Intimacy
The Naked Scientists: Infants spot sharing saliva in relationships
Quirks and Quarks: Kids take note of who you kiss and who shares your ice cream
Psychology Today: Slobbery Secrets: Sharing Saliva Is Surprisingly Significant
'Toddlers Prefer Winners but not When they Win by Force'
27 August 2018. Ashley interviewed on All things Considered
7 September 2018, Science Daily
10 September 2018, Times of India
11 September 2018, ZME Science
Interviews About 'No Child Left Alone'
25 August 2016. Barbara on 89.3 KPCC's AirTalk with Larry Mantle (radio)
29 August 2016. Ashley on Rising Up with Sonali (video)
29 August 2016. Ashley interviewed on BYU Radio's Top of Mind with Julie Rose (radio)
6 September 2016. Barbara on the Savage Lovecast Episode 515 (podcast)
15 September 2016. Barbara on Danielle Smith News Talk 770 Radio Calgary (radio)
21 September 2016. Kyle and Barbara on Athiestically Speaking, Part I (podcast)
25 September 2016. Kyle and Barbara on Athiestically Speaking, Part II (podcast)
27 September 2016. Ashley, Kyle and Barbara on KUCI's Ask A Leader (radio)
8 November 2016. Barbara on The Current, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (radio)
16 December 2016. Op-Ed by Ashley, Kyle and Barbara in the Washington Post (print)
05 January 2017. Barbara interviewed on One Bad Mother podcast, Episode 186 (podcast)
04 October 2017. Kyle interviewed on Modern Fatherhood podcast with Stephen Marche (forthcoming)
Media Mentions About 'No Child Left Alone'
22 August 2016. jennysaul, Feminist Philosophers
23 August 2016. Ilya Somin, Washington Post
23 August 2016. Jennifer Baker, Psychology Today
24 August 2016. Elissa Strauss, Slate
24 August 2016. Leah Groth, Babble
25 August 2016. Ryan O'Hare, Daily Mail
25 August 2016. Federica Baroni, NostroFiglio.it (Italian)
26 August 2016. Jesse Singal, New York Magazine
26 August 2016. Univision (Spanish)
29 August 2016. Sarah D. Young, Consumer Affairs
29 August 2016. On Your Side (WRDW News 12 NBC 26 This Morning)
30 August 2016. Good Day Philadelphia (Fox 29)
30 August 2016. Lenore Skenazy, FreeRangeKids.com
31 August 2016. Sue Frantz, The Psychology Community
1 September 2016. Vital (Hungarian)
1 September 2016. Lenore Skenazy, Downtown Express
2 September 2016. Nicole Russell, The Federalist
6 September 2016. Melissa Clouthier, The American Spectator
6 September 2016. Bryan Caplan, The Library of Economics and Liberty
7 September 2016. Jenny Anderson, Quartz
7 September 2016. Lenore Skenazy, Reason.com
8 September 2016. Michael Kaplan, New York Post
12 September 2016. Virginia Postrel, Bloomberg
15 September 2016. Nick Gillespie, Reason.com
18 September 2016. Las Vegas Review-Journal
20 September 2016. Katherine Martinko, Treehugger
22 September 2016. Lenore Skenazy, Reason.com
22 September 2016. Pamela Bofferding, Signs of the Times.net
26 September 2016. Charlie Sorrel, Fast Company
27 September 2016. Soraya Chemaly, Huffington Post
28 September 2016. Meghan Owenz, Psych Central
29 September 2016. Steven Greenhut, The American Spectator
2 October 2016. Molly Castelloe, Psychology Today
18 December 2016. Hartford Courant
1 January 2017. Simon Makin, Scientific American Mind